Baltimore’s Transit Future
The Greater Baltimore Committee and Greater Washington Partnership launched the Baltimore’s Transit Future campaign in 2022 to call attention to the urgent business imperative and need for the Baltimore Region to realize a world-class transit system that creates shared economic prosperity and catalyzes inclusive growth.

Our Focus
The time for action is now. The residents and businesses of Maryland’s largest city and surrounding suburbs deserve a world-class transit system. These six strategic priorities will set the course for a more equitable transportation system, making the Baltimore region a more attractive place to live, work, play, and build a business.
- Addressing the transit system’s repair backlog and operator shortage;
- Establishing frequent, reliable transit service to regional job centers;
- Supporting regional coordination, decision making, and funding;
- Implementing a 10-year rapid transit expansion program;
- Prioritizing regional rail investment; and
- Catalyzing equitable development at transit rail stations.

Media Coverage and Updates
- Statement in response to proposed cuts to the Consolidated Transportation Program
- Baltimore Banner: State delivers on transit funding, benefitting region’s businesses
- Baltimore Banner: Red Line connecting East, West Baltimore will spur economic growth
- WYPR: What role does the business community play with the Red Line?
- Additional Media Coverage

We Support Baltimore's Transit Future
Since June 2022, more than 70 business, civic, and non-profit organizations, including many of the largest employers in the State, have joined the campaign to encourage a regional focus on transportation investment.